
Following is a Partial List of Clients Who Have Been Thrilled and Enchanted by a Dr. John R. Powers Keynote Presentation

You complimented very nicely a program that began with your presentation and ended with that of the Rt. Honorable John Major, the former Prime Minister of the United Kingdom. So, to say that you held your own among the best is an understatement. Your presentation was genuine, heart warming and engaging. You captured our hearts and imagination and tickled our funny bones! You are a true professional in every sense of the word. Now only one problem remains - and that’s what to do next year!
American Trucking Association
Your presentation to our U.S. Steel key management group was simply outstanding; dynamic humor at its best.
U.S. Steel Group
You certainly lived up to your reputation for being a superb motivational speaker. Our guests found your speech to be both moving and inspirational. You truly were a hit!
Business Week
Your ability to deliver an emotional message about the importance of living life to its fullest wrapped in a warm blanket of humorous anecdotes kept them in their seats and resulted in the only standing ovation for any speaker at an NAII meeting that I can remember. It was truly a marvelous moment.
National Association of Independent Insurers
It’s funny, when you plan a national meeting, and your keynote speaker is former President Bush, you would think that the other speakers would simply be overshadowed. Not so with John Powers. This man is wonderfully entertaining, exhilarating, warm and touching.
MedEcon Services
If I had to describe your March 7 presentation at the ABA Bar Leadership Institute in one word, I would just write, “Wow,” followed by lots of exclamation points. Luckily, I don’t have to be brief, so I can heap upon you all of the accolades and kudos you truly deserve. Your address was quite entertaining, but you also provided the audience with food for thought. Between the outbursts of laughter, I could see the audience members intently listening to and jotting down your maxims on leadership and living. I was sitting in the back of the room, so I could see all of the shoulders shaking with laughter at your stories and the heads nodding at the truth of your observations. Of all of our speakers, you received the highest rating. You may find it interesting to know that several individuals pointed out to me that you had demonstrated many of the techniques which our expert on public speaking had suggested the day before. Your reinforcement of what participants had already heard was an added benefit of your presentation.
American Bar Association
The rave reviews continue for what participants are calling “The best ever” meeting in Franklin’s history. Two presentations, two standing “O’s.” They loved you. Thanks again, my friend, for leaving us laughing. You made this warehouse of a meeting planner look good.
The Franklin Life Insurance Co.
We requested you add a “technical dimension” to your presentation and you truly did a brilliant job... You were sensational with both small and large audiences in a variety of settings. We will soon be calling on you again.
BellSouth Business Systems
I personally want to thank you for the fine job that you did in preparing your materials to help our sales team. If I had been a visitor, I would have mistaken you for an inspired employee, as your knowledge of who we are and what we do seemed unrehearsed and, simply sated, natural. There was humor, content, instruction, motivation and, most of all, a very sincere effort from you that you truly wanted to make a difference in all of our personal and professional lives. I received a phone call from the spouse of our top salesperson and she told me, “I’m not sure what you did or what you said, but Charles came home happy and full of positive energy. Could you please do this for him once a month?
Express Industries Corporation
As we watched the audience during your presentation it was clear to us that you connected with them from start to finish. You made us laugh, you made us cry and you made us think about life. Everyone that attended to matter their gender, age, occupation could easily relate to what you were saying. Your presentation was more than entertaining you provided inspiration and ideas that we can apply to our daily lives.
Lowe & Associates Financial Services, Ltd.
It is sometimes difficult to connect to such a diverse group of individuals, however, you succeeded in reaching each attendee through your humor and keen insight. It was truly a pleasure working with you. I look forward to having the opportunity of doing it again in the future.
National Association of Container Distributors
What a wonderful presentation you made at World Workplace Meeting, IFMA’s annual conference. We’ve heard nothing but rave reviews from the attendees such as... “John took me from laughter to tears and back again in fifteen minutes. What a wonderful and inspiring presentation.
IFMA (International Faculty Management Assoc.)
I want to thank you for the wonderfully funny, poignant hour you shared with us at our recent education meeting. I had an opportunity to review the program evaluation sheets that all attendees are asked to fill out at the conclusion of the meeting, and without exception you received top approval from everyone.
Destination Management International
I wanted to take this opportunity to thank you once again for the excellent presentation you gave at our Conference of Champions in Naples, Florida last week. Your presentation “Living at the Speed of Life” was so warmly received by our audience that you received a standing ovation from our qualifiers and their spouses.
American General
Your audience of Postal Operations Managers was a tough audience in which to please. And please them you did! This group is in charge of plant operations from facilities as large as Chicago to as small as Kokomo, IN. They are traditionally a no nonsense group and they deal with day to day problems such as productivity, attendance and cost saving. ...the spontaneous standing ovation you received was not a fluke. They truly heard what you had to say and reacted in the only way they knew how, a prolonged standing ovation. ...On a personal note, I have to tell you it was a pleasure working with you in preparation for our event. I appreciated the way you customized your introduction to speak about the man positives of our company.
United States Postal Service
I have had countless people comment on your enthusiasm, your energy and the dynamics of your presentation. You are true professional and a phenomenal speaker.... On a personal note, I have to tell you it was a pleasure working with you in preparation for our event. I appreciated the way you customized your speech to fit into the theme of our meeting.
I appreciate the time you took to understand your audience and the uniqueness of AAL. Your grasp of this information and your ability to weave it into your remarks was truly impressive. You certainly exhibit a passion for your work, which really reinforced our conference theme of “Sharing the Passion for the Profession.” In our conference evaluations, many of the general agents mentioned your presentation as the most impressive part of the conference. Many commented that it was an “Excellent message,” “Inspiring,” and “A great guide for living your life.” We asked them what they learned that they could put to use immediately and a number talked about making promises and developing a strategy for keeping the promises they made. Pretty impressive, considering this is a group that has had heard numerous talks on setting goals and expectations.
Aid Association for Lutherans
You certainly did your homework. We gave you our list of objectives and goals and you met everyone last one of them. At our follow up meeting, it was unanimous that your presentation was great. You delivered a powerful message with humor, grace and style. Our new members, as well as the seasoned veterans, were highly vocal in their praise.
Long Island Board of Realtors
Our conference had nearly 3000 attendees. John spoke with passion and polish. He delivered an outstanding talk to our attendees that was at once humorous, educational and poignant.
American Society of Safety Engineers
You are not only a phenomenal speaker, but also the perfect professional for a meeting planner. Every time I watch you present, I am drawn into your humor and poignant messages. Your meticulous attention to detail must be what insures that you stay exactly on time and close with such strength. It is nice to know that you are always a sure success.
Capital Resources
Thank you so much for participating in ALA’s Annual Educational Conference and Exposition. The evaluations for your two sessions, "How to Keep the Promises You Make to Yourself" and "Living at the Speed of Life" were off the charts! Some of the comments were: "A terrific speaker! Quite motivational and inspirational." "Very entertaining and passionate about his subject." "Fun, great and very, very inspiring." "Fantastic speaker. I thoroughly enjoyed his session and gained a great deal from what he said." "I enjoyed this session tremendously - on point in our very hectic lives." "Best speaker I have ever heard!"
Association of Legal Administrators
Keeping the Promises You Make to Yourself provided a discussion of the critical element of success - individual motivation and “follow-through.” This year, the phone calls we have received from those attending your presentation were more than complimentary, they were passionate. Goals have not only been created in many minds, but written down and shared with branch/departmental staffs across our organization.
Motion Industries
Needless to say, your presentation at the opening session of our 1999 Tennessee Safety & Health Congress was awesome! What an exhilarating and inspiring “kick-off!”
Tennessee Safety and Health Congress, Inc.
I asked the question, “If you could hear any speaker, and price was not an issue, who would you want to hear?” The answer came back John Powers. And, you proved why in your presentation in Palm Springs where you took us on a wonderful journey of laughter and even tears.
Abar Imaging Center
This is the third time our Association has contracted with you to do a presentation for either school administrators, board members or, just recently, educational support staff in administrative school offices. I want you to know that in twenty years, you are the only presenter that we have had back for three reruns. That, in itself, says it all as to your ability to captivate your audience with your warm, inspiring stories and humorous insight into human nature. Out of the 425 attendees, 250 completed the evaluations and your received 246 excellences! You have a true gift!
Illinois Association of School Business Officials
I approach you as a desperate conference planner who continues to search for a speaker who can fill your shoes. Everyone keeps saying to me “there’s no way you’re gonna top John Powers!” and I’m beginning to think they’re right!
Michigan Works
I was truly amazed at my audience's reaction to John Powers. The rave reviews were over-the-top, and the demands for a repeat performance next year have continued to pour into my office. John's capability to inspire, motivate, and capture the minds and hearts of even the most skeptical group is remarkable. In ten years working with professional speakers, he's one of the most compelling and captivating I've ever seen - and an amazing value for the price. Even better, he was truly a joy for our staff to work with: flexible, responsive, accommodating, and pleasant - which is something money can't buy!
American Nursery & Landscape Association
We requested you add a “technical dimension” to your presentation and you truly did a brilliant job... You were sensational with both small and large audiences in a variety of settings. We will soon be calling on you again.
BellSouth Business Systems